5 Grain Storage Tips

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Fresh, hot off the press, newly minted: these are words and phrases that are appealing to any consumer’s ears. We want the best, and oftentimes we assume that the best is the most recent. While we know that this certainly isn’t true with delicacies like our wine and other liquors, what about grains? Can they be just as good after short periods of storage? With proper grain storage facilities and tactics, you can be certain that the grains you’re brewing with are just as good as when they were harvested.




Make sure your grain bins have been properly inspected.

And do it regularly. The bins (or whatever you’re storing your grains in) are the one of the most important commodities of grain storage facilities since they house the goods. Inspect the floors and walls for insects and properly clean and fumigate the bin if you do happen to have an insect infestation.


Only store the highest quality of grains.

When you’re using grains, it goes without saying that the higher the quality, the better the product. This same logic applies to storing grains: storing high quality grains will ensure that they’re still in excellent shape when you resurrect them from storage for use.


Ensure that you’re storing at the correct temperature.

Do your homework on this one: keep grains stored at an optimal temperature both to secure the longevity of the grain and to keep pests at bay.


Monitor the moisture content.

Different grains thrive at different moisture contents. Again, research the specific grain that you’re storing and dry to the proper specifications to ensure a great result when you go to use your grain.


Vigilantly check on your grain.

Grain storage facilities know that their grains are in fact their cash cow. They treat it as such and keep a close eye on grain that’s in storage to ensure that insects aren’t infesting and that the grain is storing well.


Grain Storage Facilities

Following these five tips help keep grain storage facilities at the top of their game in providing excellent grains all year long. Contact the pros at Brooks Grain for any questions on grain storage or to secure high quality grains.


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