7 Awesome Health Benefits of Rye: The World’s Healthiest Grain

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Rye has been grown in countries with colder climates- Russia, Scandinavia, Poland- since its cultivation in around 400 B.C. because it has the ability to grow in virtually any soil and climate.

Often referred to as, “the poverty grain,” rye was seen as a food for the lower class, and back in the day, the nobility nibbled on the richer wheat bread while peasants filled themselves with the coarser, heavier, but also healthier, rye bread.

Rye continues to flourish in many European countries but has yet to become popular in the U.S. despite the nutritional value it contains. While we wait for rye to get the attention it deserves, here are some fun, healthy facts to satiate your hunger.


  1.      Rye can help you lose weight

In the world of grains, rye is considered to be superior to barley and wheat when it comes to weight loss. Rye contains more fiber than any other common cereal, and high-fiber foods make you feel fuller faster. The quicker you feel full, the less you will eat.


  1.      Rye can help prevent gallstones

Recent research has found that people who consume large amounts of fiber (soluble and insoluble) have a lower risk of developing gallstones. Insoluble fiber helps food move more quickly through the intestines and reduces bile acids that contribute to the formation of gallstones.


  1.      Rye is a better grain for people with diabetes

Blood sugar is an everyday concern for people with diabetes, and big spikes and drops in blood sugar can be dangerous. Wheat is made up of small molecules that are easily broken down into simple sugar which ultimately triggers an increase in insulin. Rye, on the other hand, is made up of larger molecules that take longer to be broken down, and as a result, rye has less of an effect on blood sugar.


  1.      Rye is great for the digestive system

In addition to aiding in weight loss, the impressive amount of fiber found in rye can help with constipation, ease stomach pain and cramps, reduce excess gas, and even help prevent serious conditions like ulcers, colon cancer, and breast cancer.


  1.      Rye is heart-healthy

Consuming rye on a regular basis, such as eating a bowl of rye oatmeal every morning, can help reduce the risks of high blood pressure and heart attacks.


  1.      Rye may help prevent cancer

Ongoing research has found that the phenolics, or powerful antioxidants, found in rye have the ability to fight off cancer and other chronic diseases.


  1.      Rye can help protect from childhood asthma

Research has found that children who consume whole grains, like rye, have a significantly reduced chance of developing asthma. This likely has to do with the anti-inflammatory compounds found in whole grains as well as high levels of vitamin E and magnesium.


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